The Philippine Review of Economics (PRE) Volume LXI, No. 1 is now available online.
The PRE is a peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the UP Diliman School of Economics (SE) and the Philippine Economic Society (PES). According to the SE and PES, the journal’s contents “are indexed in the Journal of Economics Literature, EconLit, and RePec [Research Papers in Economics].”
The latest issue has four articles and a book review.

The articles are What Next After Hyper Globalization and Export-Oriented Industrialization? (What Next After Hyper Globalization) by Dani Rodrik, PhD; Philippine Industrial Policy Journey: Transforming the Economy in the New Digital Age (Philippine Industrial Policy Journey) by Rafaelita Aldaba of the Department of Trade and Industry; Nexus Between Payments Digitalization and Cash Usage in the Philippines (Nexus Between Payments) by Eloisa Glindro, Rodalee Ofiaza, and Ma. Klarizza Jose; and Claudia Goldin and the Economics of Women and Work (Claudia Goldin and Economics) by Ma. Christina Epetia.
What Next After Hyper Globalization tackles the global economy’s changing landscape and its “implications for countries like the Philippines.” Rodrik is the Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University.
In its abstract, the Philippine Industrial Policy Journey examines “Philippines’ evolving industrial policy in light of the accelerated digital transformation catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Aldaba is an undersecretary at the Department of Trade and Industry.
Nexus Between Payments discusses the gradual transformation of retail payments from cash to digital payments. The authors from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas stated that “more granular data would help inform strategies for equitable and safe payment choices” and that “it is vital for cash and digital payment infrastructures to adapt and uphold consumer payment choice.”
Independent researcher Epetia’s Claudia Goldin and Economics highlights the major contributions of Claudia Goldin to economics “as a field and influence on policy research.” Goldin is an American economic historian who won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2023.
Meanwhile, the PRE’s book review on Agricultural Development in Asia and Africa: Essays in Honor of Keijiro Otsuka by Jude Esguerra states that the book “delves into comparative research across specific contexts and forwards some of the most insightful and less obvious knowledge produced in development economics.” For more of the latest issue of the PRE, visit
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